Fire departments in the canton of Schaffhausen

The canton of Schaffhausen has an efficient and modern network of fire departments, which are operated in the militia system as local, association, base and company fire departments. The cantonal fire police supervise the entire fire department, which currently has about 1,800 firefighters. This includes regular analysis and consideration of the future development of the fire departments and their adaptation to social, economic and technical change.

Services Gruner AG

Conducting a study on the current status, possible fields of development and options for action for the fire departments in the canton of Schaffhausen, analysis of the canton of Schaffhausen with regard to the framework conditions and development trends relevant for the fire departments, derivation of recommendations for action to optimize the fire department locations, the personnel and technical equipment of the fire departments and their tasks.

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  • Kantonale Feuerpolizei Schaffhausen
  • Public safety


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