Geomatics & Spatial Planning

Topography and Cartography

At Gruner, our expertise in land surveying has been cultivated over many years, spanning a wide variety of projects with diverse challenges both at home and abroad. Our services cater to various sectors including:

  • Comprehensive topographic surveys required for technical studies that demand an understanding of natural terrain morphology and existing infrastructure
  • bespoke surveys tailored to specific needs related to architecture, hydrography, industry, and construction.

Traditional "terrestrial" topography often provides the ideal solution for generating the detailed plans required for development and construction projects. Recently, it has been augmented by innovative SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping) technology, which involves the use of mobile LiDAR systems mounted on vehicles (manned or unmanned).

Gruner is fully equipped with the necessary tools to deliver these services, including total stations, mobile and static scanners, and bathymetric echo sounders. We are committed to staying at the forefront of technical solutions in the surveying field. Our extensive resources in equipment and personnel enable us to excel in competitive bids, especially those requiring work within tight deadlines and the capability to implement complex solutions. Over the years, we have built a network of preferred partners both in Switzerland and internationally, enhancing our ability to quickly and efficiently mobilize local resources.

As a versatile provider, Gruner is equipped to handle a wide range of requests, such as:

  • Conducting topographic surveys to produce detailed plans for urban and rural infrastructure, serving as the basis for development projects.
  • Performing high-density 3D data acquisition of complex objects or scenes using terrestrial laser scanning (LiDAR) or SLAM based technology.
  • Establishing geodetic frameworks for the geo-referencing of topographic or topometric data through the placement and determination of XY and Z reference points.
  • Providing topometric monitoring to track geometric deformations of structures, artworks, or naturally unstable sites with high reliability and precision.
  • Executing underwater surveys using bathymetry, facilitated by echo sounders.
  • Geo-locating underground networks to detect and geo-reference the position of pipelines.

For complex services requiring surveys at various scales, levels of detail, or overcoming access or visibility constraints, Gruner complements its terrestrial surveys with aerial mapping techniques, such as photogrammetry or airborne LiDAR. Gruner’s commitment to precision, advanced technology, and rapid mobilization of resources ensures our ability to meet the evolving needs of our clients in the energy, infrastructure, and building construction sectors.

Check out our Scan2BIM services and Digital Engineering Services


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