Redevelopment Bahnhofstrasse - Höheweg Interlaken

Road and railroad construction

Based on the "crossbow" traffic and design concept developed by Zeltner Ingenieure AG for the Bödeli region, Interlaken's east-west link was renovated and redesigned. The road connects Interlaken's west station with the east station via Bahnhofstrasse, the post office intersection and Höheweg.

The entire cross section of the road was redesigned according to the "crossbow" guidelines and the road structure was renewed. In addition to the replacement of the existing supply and discharge pipes, a new pure water pipe system was built with a direct branch into the navigation channel. Due to the limited space, the pipeline was constructed largely using the micro-tunnel method.

Construction work in the center of Interlaken was to have minimal impact on tourism and no construction work was to be carried out during the high season. This constraint meant that the duration of the construction work had to be kept as short as possible through total closures with detour concepts and partial intensive construction phases, and that high priority had to be given to the planning of the construction sequence already during the project development.

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Building Contractor
  • Einwohnergemeinde Interlaken / Industrielle Betriebe Interlaken
Processing period
  • 2008 - 2015
  • Highway engineering
  • Sustainable Traffic engineering solutions


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