pRED Research Center Basel / Buildings 4-7

The pRED Center will create around1,800 modern office and laboratory workplaces. Building 6 and Building 7 of the pRED Center are the tallest high-rise laboratory buildings ever planned. The buildings are each divided into units of three storeys (so-called neighbourhoods) to create smaller, manageable research biotopes of about 140 scientists from different disciplines each. Building 5 is an office building and will offer a variety of different work opportunities through a modern office concept.

Building 4 will be used as a "convention centre". The auditorium on the ground floor can accommodate 200 people for lectures, presentations, conferences and also for seminars or banquets. In addition, Building 4 houses two "classrooms" with 50 seats each, as well as a large number of meeting rooms.

An important building block for a successful research environment is an identity-forming "campus feeling". With the linking of the buildings (Avenue), the adjacent green outdoor area (Science Square) and the Neighborhood concept.



> Fire protection concept and fire protection plans
> Fire protection supervision
> Smoke extraction concept
> Fire protection risk analysis
> Fire control systems

Services for fire protection consulting and project support in phases 21 to and including 53 according to SIA 112


Building volume
473'100 m2

Building area
110'950 m2

Investment costs
1.2 billion CHF

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Building Contractor
  • F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG
  • Drees & Sommer Schweiz AG
Processing period
  • 2013 - 2024
  • Fire control systems
  • Fire safety planning


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