Felix Platter Hospital, Basel

The new building created space for new uses in the previous buildings. The entire area is transformed into the new Westfeld quarter with the former main hospital building as an elementary component. On a total of 35,000 square meters, a lively piece of the city is being created with additional new buildings.

The construction of apartments, stores, commercial and community spaces aims to provide affordable space for users. To this end, housing cooperatives, neighborhood organizations and Basel authorities are working closely together. Around 130 of the more than 500 apartments on the Westfeld site are being built in the converted former Felix Platter Hospital. The 100-meter-long and 35-meter-high hospital building is being transformed into an identity-creating landmark with a diverse mix of uses.

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  • ARGE HandinHand
Processing period
  • 2013 - 2018
  • Fire safety planning
Referenzblatt Felix-Platter-Spital, Basel


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