Verwaltungsgebäude, Bundesamt für Bauten und Logistik BBL


The research institute and the federal administration buildings in Liebefeld will be extended by an administration building in accordance with Minergie P Eco for 800 employees. Furthermore, the area logic is to be adapted to the new buildings. A second stage will be considered conceptually. Public authority buildings with clear structural guidelines for planning processes and quality assurance. The uses administration, meeting rooms, cafeteria, event rooms correspond to the task definition. The reverence of the building is of great importance.

Complexity: The high level of user comfort and the great flexibility at low cost require a largely continuous support structure that meets these requirements.

Quality: The planning is carried out by an interdisciplinary team, so that optimal solutions can be achieved for a high level of target achievement.

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Building Contractor
  • Bundesamt für Bauten und Logistik BBL
  • mrh matti ragaz hitz Architekten, Liebefeld
  • mrh matti ragaz hitz Architekten, Liebefeld
  • Structural engineering


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